Corn Biscuit


Another Saturday afternoon to entertain Annabelle. Instead of feeling guilty about ignoring her, I decided to round her and her little friend, lin, up to teach them how to bake, and entertain myself at the same time 🙂  They each got their own mixing bowl, measuring cups, rollers and other necessities and do the measuring and mixing independently.  With no eggs at home, there is really not much choices but to make biscuit.

I’ve always longed for those cheddar biscuit from Red Lobster so I searched for a recipe that appeared promising. Turns out that we ran out of cheese too, so we had to turn it into a corn one..

Annabelle and Lin are 5 and 6 respectively so I was not sure what my expectation should be. To my surprise, they can remember the ingredients really well. (I know this because I quizzed them :=) Of course, the kitchen looked like being robbed at the end with flour flying freely. But, the girls had a great time and they loved the flaky biscuit that they made themselves!

Lin’s baking







Flour 1 cup

Corn flour 1 cup

Milk Powder 1/2 cup

Cold Butter 2 sticks

Baking Powder 3 tsp

salt   1 tsp

Sugar 1/3 cup

Cold milk 1 cup


How to:

Mix all the dry ingredients together and then add in the butter (cut into small cubes). Work the butter in until they turned into bean size pieces and incorporated well with the flour. Add in the cold milk, gently form it into a dough. Use a scoop to measure and place each piece onto the baking sheet or cut them into shapes. Bake in 400F degree oven for 15 minutes.



Flipping through baking books in the afternoon, Annabelle, my 4 year-old, fixed her eyes on Pizzelle and asked me to make it for her. Having tried it several times before, I always felt it was too time-consuming to make but it just might work this time because I need enough time to keep her engaged before she cries for entertainment. I modified the recipe from Martha Stewart’s book since the orignal calls for 9 cups of flour – imagine how many people that’s going to feed! And instead of plain flavor, I put in corn meal , orange zest and Grand Marnier. They work pretty well together. Imagine dip this into a hot white chocolate flavored with grand marnier… enjoy the moment and worry about the gym later…..


Ingredients (make about 20)

Flour 2/3 cups

Corn meal 1/3 cup

Unsalted butter 1/2 stick (room temp)

sugar 6 table-spoon

Egg 1

Whipping Cream 1/3 cup

Salt 1 tea-spoon

Grand Marnier 2 table-spoon

Zest from 1 medium Orange


Cream the butter and sugar until fluffy, add in the egg, zest and grand marnier and mix well. In another bowl, whip the cream until form peaks, fold in the cream into the butter mixture. Sift the flour and corn meal and salt. Mix in the butter cream mixture until incorporate. Place 1 spoonful of the batter onto greased pizzelle maker and bake until golden brown.